The Mission of the Church
We feel that the mission of the church to this part of South East London is to let people round about us know of God’s love and saving grace. You will find that we look to reach out to our friends and neighbours with what we believe is a vital message for them to hear.
Other Mission Work
As well as our own mission to our part of south east London, Avenue Baptist Church is a member of Churches Together in Beckenham (CTiB). Also, members of Avenue Baptist Church are active in mission work elsewhere.
Tim and Linda Darby left us a number of years ago to work in Gulu, Uganda full time before returning to the UK recently.
Dylan and Levin spent 4 months in Romania supporting the work of Hospices of Hope, who we have supported for a number of years. Several of our young people have helped with Hospices of Hope children’s camps.
Andrew and others from the church have been to Albania in recent years. In Andrew’s case he has been there several times as he supports the Albanian Baptist Union and their ten churches and is a trustee of the Tek Ura charity. Recently his visits have been an annual event.