What We Do


Our Sunday services start at 11am and last about an hour with tea or coffee afterwards.

The service format will vary week to week but will always be informal, relaxed and child friendly.

Communion is normally the second Sunday of the month, and all Christians are welcome to join us in sharing bread and (non-alcoholic) wine.


Groups and Activities

  • On the first Wednesday of every month at 7.30pm we have a prayer meeting.
  • On the second and third Wednesdays of every month we hold a house group. This is currently held in the church at 8.15pm
  • Keep an eye out for other activities via our social media on Facebook and Instagram @avenue.baptist.church


Our youth group is for Years 7 and up. Often there is a discussion about a Bible passage or topical subject, plus some chat and games. Bring your difficult questions! We can’t promise to bring an easy answer, but we’d love to talk about it with you.

Our youth group has started back up after lockdown, but in smaller groups on an ad hoc basis.


Guides, Brownies and Rainbows

We have hosted Guides, Brownies and Rainbows for many years. They have been unable to restart since the beginning of COVID, but please check back for any updates


Sunday Services

Our Sunday services are all child-friendly, with a creche in the main hall for the youngest children. There is also a Sunday School for those from 3 to 11. We encourage questions and interaction, and we don’t expect children to be silent!


0-3s Group

On a Friday morning from 10.00am to 11.30am (during school term times) there is a very well attended 0-3s group. For safety’s sake we have to limit numbers, so please get there early. Sessions include messy craft, dressing up, playing ‘in the kitchen’ or ‘on the farm’, a book area for chilling out and singing time. We also hold several special events each year. 

Other one-off events will be displayed on the church calendar